There Is a Solution to Controlling Costs...

Workers' compensation premiums paid by all California employers reflect the number and cost of job-related injuries and illnesses in your industry and at your workplace. While your industry's injury rate is already set, you can reduce the cost of work-related injuries and your company's insurance premiums by establishing a loss control program.

An effective program includes a thorough review and possible investigation of current and past claims as well as on-site safety inspection. The goal of a good loss control program is to 1) reduce accident frequency, severity and reserves; 2) lower premiums; 3) create optimal workplace safety. It is a fact that companies with better safety records pay lower premiums.

California Loss Control specializes in helping companies – particularly those in the high risk category – identify potential problems that could result in higher workers' compensation premiums, potential employee claims, increased hazard loss ratio and poor employee morale and productivity.

We work effectively with all levels of your organization – from senior management to line employees – to reduce safety risks and to keep premiums down.

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